Sunday, August 5, 2012

Classroom Management

Ideas for Rootin-Tootin Behavior!

Behavior Policy: I believe students thrive on positive recognition and praise. I work hard to create an atmosphere of friendship and respect in my classroom. I strongly believe that all students have the right to learn in a safe and productive environment.  I teach students that life is about choices and learning to make good choices will be emphasized throughout the year.

I strive for consistency and I will begin the school year with clear expectations. The first couple weeks we will practice the procedures and expectations in the classroom.  Before you know it, the procedures become a habit for the students. 

At this young age, children are still learning how to share, express their feelings, solve conflicts, etc. If a problem occurs, your child and I will look at what was done, who might have been affected, how they might feel, and think of other ways to have handled the situation. I believe EVERY situation is a TEACHABLE MOMENT!! 

Our Classroom Rules (I use hand movements)
1. Be Safe, Be Kind, Be Honest (hug yourself (be safe), make a heart with your hands and put it on your heart (be kind), put your hand up like swearing in court (be honest)
2. Respect others, respect yourself, respect our school (point to students, point to yourself, point to the ground)
3. Listen when your teacher is talking (grab your ears (listen), point to teacher, make alligator hands (talking)
4. Follow directions quickly  (snap fingers quickly)
5. Raise your hand to talk & show peace and quiet (raise your hand and make a peace sign and put your pointer finger at mouth like saying shhhhh)
6. B.E.V.E (bodies still (hug yourself), ears listening (point to ears), voices quiet (shhhh signal), eyes watching (point to eyes))

Our Classroom Rewards:
1. Verbal Praise/Positive note sent home 
2. Individual & Home: K-BUCKAROO Bucks (At the end of the day, I send a K-Bucks home if students had a good day and followed the rules. Parents keep the KBucks at home and can use it as a reward system at home. For example, 5 K-Bucks earns them 15 minutes longer to stay up; 10 K-Bucks = a special date or treat from mom or dad. 

3 dollars of Cowboy or Western themed classroom money....

3. Individual: Badges: When students earn 10 tallies "badges" for following the rules, they get to pick a prize from the  treasure chest. 

See my brown treasure chest on the shelf.
Students can open all by themselves w/out my help.
I got the chest at Michaels.

4. Group: Table Points (winning table get to have our Wrangler the Horse trophy on their desk for the week)  

5. Whole Class: Gold Nuggets
6. Individual & Whole Class: Bucket Fillers (students are encouraged to be "bucket fillers" and not "bucket dippers". Each student has a bucket and if they are nice friends, they get to fill their bucket).

7. School Wide: Peace-builder Praises, Recognition Awards
Our Classroom Rules: ROUNDIN'-UP Great Behavior clip chart
We use a colored "clip chart" to monitor our behavior and classroom choices. Your child will have a clip that           he/she can physically move up or down the chart, depending on their choices. Please keep in mind that your           child may not move every single day! In order to move up, students must go above and beyond in their behavior            choices.

Purchase Behavior Clip Chart on TPT
1. RED is OUTSTANDING DAY--"The Best Behavin' Buckaroos": Students who reach the red level will be rewarded for their positive choices, and will receive 2 K-Buckaroo Bucks!!!.
2. ORANGE is GREAT DAY--"Kickin' It Up For Great Behavior": Students who continue to make positive choices move up to the orange level. They are one step closer to having outstanding classroom behavior.
3.YELLOW is GOOD DAY--"Hats Off For A Good Day": Students who make positive choices will receive recognition as they move up the chart.
4.GREEN is READY TO LEARN--"Giddy Up For A New Day": Everyone starts the day "Ready to Learn"! Students can "clip up" or "clip down" throughout the day depending on their behavior choices. 
5.BLUE is WARNING--"Oops! Fell Off The Horse--Saddle Up and Try Again": Students who receive a warning will move to blue. This serves as a reminder to students to think about the choices they make.
6.PURPLE is TEACHER'S CHOICE--"No Horse'n Around": Students, who continue to make poor choices, will move to purple. This will result in a consequence (example: loss of special activity; miss 5 minutes of recess). A note will be sent home. 
7.PINK is PARENT CONTACT--"Off The Ranch": Students who move to pink will miss a special activity and 10 minutes of recess.  Parents will be contacted either by a note, e-mail or phone call.                                

Playground Rules:
I've noticed over the years that most of the problems occur on the playground, so we spend a lot of time discussing and reviewing playground rules. If students cannot follow the rules, they sit against the wall for 2 minutes.

The Recess Queen!
I use this book in the beginning of the year to teach about playground rules.
We read the rules everyday before going to recess. 
If a student does not follow the rules on the playground, we review them again when we come inside.The Recess Queen

Here is my anchor chart:

I use this Classroom Voice Level Chart: I bought from TPT.
This is a helpful way to remind students what the voice level should be in the classroom.

I also want to share a quick activity I found at imbloghoppin (similiar to Deanna Jump's idea). I used her wording but changed the verbs. This is NOT my idea.
This is a great way  to help students understand the importance of thinking before they speak & being respectful to one another. 

Start the activity by introducing the students to Sam! Explain to them that he is a kindergartner that goes to a different school and he isn't very well liked by his classmates.
Ask the students to think of comments they might hear that would hurt Sam's feelings. As the kiddos share examples,  crumble a section of Sam.
Continue this until Sam is one serious crumbled up mess! He should even suffer a few rips and tears throught the process :(  Poor baby!
Then discuss how bad Sam is feeling and how they would feel from the hurtful comments. Ask the students to share things they could say to Sam so he would KNOW he was important and that we respected him. With each example, have the students help smooth out the paper, but....
they will discover that the hurtful comments made Sam different now. No matter how hard you try (and try really hard) to take back the hurtful comments and say sorry, the comments still hurt  Sam.

 This is a simple yet powerful way to teach your students to be sure that their comments to others are respectful at all times. Sam is a part of our classroom now and will serve as a constant reminder to us that we will always think before we speak.

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